[ LOOK THIS ] This 79-year-old Grandma from the Philippines Just Graduated from Grade 10—Inspiring!

It is never too late.

Because of poverty, many students are unable to finish or even start an education. While many students today take their education for granted, there are children—and adults—who dream of finishing their studies.

Lola Salvacion believes that age cannot be a hindrance in pursuing education. As a matter of fact, at the age of 76, she is one of this year’s grade 10 graduates from Fort Bonifacio High School in West Rembo, Makati (Philippines).

While most people at her age would be at home relaxing, or are already retired from their jobs, lola Salvacion studies with other high school students. She wanted to make a stand, inspiring many people to finish their studies no matter how old they are. Education is the only treasure you can keep forever!

Netizens were amazed by the grandmother’s motivation in finishing her studies. Students from the said school were equally proud of their fellow schoolmate, even saying how they would miss her after graduation.

[ LOOK THIS ] This 79-year-old Grandma from the Philippines Just Graduated from Grade 10—Inspiring! [ LOOK THIS ] This 79-year-old Grandma from the Philippines Just Graduated from Grade 10—Inspiring! Reviewed by AUTHOR on 2:50 AM Rating: 5

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