These ‘Ladyboys’ Shock everyone at an Army Draft in Bangkok and This is How They are Treated!

Transgender women shouldn’t be treated in such a humiliating manner.

If you know Thailand, then you probably know of ‘ladyboys’. Ladyboy is a coined term for transgender women in the said country, and a lot of people around the world has picked up the term as well. While many people are shocked and impressed by these transgender women’s beauty, some people use them as a subject for jokes and insults.

It is that time of the year again. Thailand’s Annual Military Conscription period kicked off a few days ago, with transvestites and transgender women among those reporting.  Every year around April, about 100,000 men over 21 are required to attend a ‘lottery’, wherein those who are picked will have to enlist for military service for 2 years.

Transgender women who have a body not consistent with their birth sex and have undergone breast augmentation surgery and full gender reassignment operations are exempted from service.

With one look, this 21-year-old was obviously a transgender woman, but they still wanted to check out if she really is. According to reports, they are forced to strip and reveal their altered genitals.

Because of the humiliating way of ‘identifying’ them, the annual event reportedly caused stress to many transgender recruits.

These ‘Ladyboys’ Shock everyone at an Army Draft in Bangkok and This is How They are Treated! These ‘Ladyboys’ Shock everyone at an Army Draft in Bangkok and This is How They are Treated! Reviewed by AUTHOR on 2:29 AM Rating: 5

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