This Stunning 21-year-old Teacher from The Philippines Will Make You Want to Go Back to School!

Beauty and brains in one stunning package!

This teacher has become a social media celebrity after her story went viral. As a matter of fact, the 21-year-old already boasts 122,247 followers on Facebook, and 11,200 on Instagram. Her story was also featured on FHM, which made her more famous not only among students, but among fans of her beauty too!

Meet Kheny Soliva Berco: the 21-year-old who not only boasts beauty, but brains as well. Kheny just graduated last month with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, majoring in Early Childhood Education at the University of St. La Salle.

Kheny says she has always loved the thought of “giving young people the best start in life” and that’s why she took up education. “I can’t think of any job as important to society as teaching,” she says. “I know being a pre-school teacher is not an easy job, but it is what I love.”

But that isn’t the only thing that surprises a lot of fans—she has a bizarre taste for pets as well. She has a pet snake that she lives with. Her pet snake is always by her side no matter what she does. The snake sleeps with her, and even keeps her company when doing paper work.

“People always find me weird for having a snake in the house, but why not? I love my Damian (her snake’s name) more than anything on this planet and I think he’s adorable,” Kheny exclaims.

Would you like her to teach you a few lessons?
This Stunning 21-year-old Teacher from The Philippines Will Make You Want to Go Back to School! This Stunning 21-year-old Teacher from The Philippines Will Make You Want to Go Back to School! Reviewed by AUTHOR on 1:39 AM Rating: 5

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