VIRAL : This Girl Refused To Like Her Profile Photo, What This "Half Canada-Half Philippines" Woman Did Was Shocking

The like button on Facebook was created for you to be able to express your thoughts about someone else's status or picture. However, you, as a netizen, should never force anyone to click the like button on your picture, just for you to gain more likes. You should never beg for someone's approval.

Now, a conversation between two girls is now circulating online! 

In the said conversation, one woman asked another woman to hit the like button on her picture, but then the woman didn't reply. That's when things got serious.

The woman who was begging for the girl's approval started insulting her by saying that she's prettier than her. She also sent her some of her pictures, claiming that she's indeed beautiful.

But what caught the other girl's attention is when she started replying in an English manner. The other couldn't stop laughing especially when she proudly stated that she's a "Half Canada and Half Philippines."

This conversation was already shared a hundred thousand times!

VIRAL : This Girl Refused To Like Her Profile Photo, What This "Half Canada-Half Philippines" Woman Did Was Shocking VIRAL : This Girl Refused To Like Her Profile Photo, What This "Half Canada-Half Philippines" Woman Did Was Shocking Reviewed by AUTHOR on 4:36 PM Rating: 5

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