New Ground-breaking Vaccine Can Permanently Eliminate Acne and Its Roots—Must Read!

The vaccine can permanently rid yourself of acne!

Acne build-up in our face and body is commonly caused by poor hygiene and a poor diet. Though some body areas riddled with acne can easily be treated, some parts are hard to get rid of. Changing your lifestyle and eating healthy would be the best way to prevent acquiring acne.

Unfortunately for many people, acne is something that’s hard to get rid of. No matter how clean they can be, or how many beauty products they use—nothing can rid them of this unwanted skin problem. Thankfully, a new research might give these people hope.

Researchers at the University of California, in San Diego, United States, are reportedly working on a new vaccine that can permanently get rid of acne and its roots. The vaccine will aim to eliminate the bacteria that causes the development of acne and pimples.

“Acne is caused, in part, by P. acnes bacteria that are with you your whole life—and we couldn’t create a vaccine for the bacteria because, in some ways, P. acnes are good for you,” the project’s lead researcher, Eric C. Huang, explained their unconventional method.

“But we found an antibody to a toxic protein that P. acnes bacteria secrete on skin—the protein is associated with the inflammation that leads to acne,” he added.

Although the groundbreaking vaccine has only been tested on skin biopsies from acne patients, the early results have been positive. The group said they will be ready for human testing soon.

“The first phase of those trials, which could take one to two years, will be underway soon,” Huang confirmed.

Would you take the vaccine?
New Ground-breaking Vaccine Can Permanently Eliminate Acne and Its Roots—Must Read! New Ground-breaking Vaccine Can Permanently Eliminate Acne and Its Roots—Must Read! Reviewed by AUTHOR on 1:58 AM Rating: 5

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